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Latsis Prize 2020 of the University of St.Gallen for Assistant Professor Ivo Blohm

The 37-year-old young scientist Ivo Blohm from the Institute of Information Management (IWI-HSG) has won this year’s HSG Latsis Prize. Ivo Blohm is Assistant Professor of Data Science and Management and is being honored for his research in the field of business analytics.

Ivo Blohm received his doctorate in 2013 under Prof. Helmut Krcmar at the Technical University of Munich. Since then, he has been working at the Institute of Information Management (IWI-HSG) at the chair of Prof. Jan Marco Leimeister, first as a postdoc, since 2016 as an assistant professor. He is currently writing his habilitation in the field of advanced business analytics. He is investigating how companies can systematically use data from social media, internet communities and other digital platforms to improve their decision-making and business processes and their innovative power.

The Latsis Prize honors young scientists up to the age of 40 at Swiss universities for outstanding contributions. The prize has been awarded annually since 1983 by the SNSF on behalf of Fondation Latsis, which was founded in Geneva in 1975. The formal presentation ceremony in Geneva is cancelled this year as a result of the Corona situation. Instead, the prize will be handed over on October 12, 2020, during the meeting of the Senate of the HSG in St.Gallen.

Author: Michael Greineder

Date: 9. February 2021